Join Us!Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you! Name * First Name Last Name Email * Agency or Company * Shamrock offers three opportunities to join your peers, each with a monthly meeting: I'm in banking or finance and I'd like an invitation I'm in law enforcement and I'd like an invitation I'm a victim and I'd like an invitation Shamrock also has two special opportunities to get involved: I'm a survivor and I'd like to tell my story to the Shamrock team I'd like to train my community. I'd like an invitation to a train-the-trainer event and I'd like the community slide deck If you have special skills that would benefit the mission, please tell us about them here Thank you for contacting Operation Shamrock! We are glad you are here.We will get you matched up with the team that best matches your skillset, and you’ll hear from a team member shortly. If you have not heard from anyone within 2 weeks (remember, everyone here is a volunteer!), please reach out to and we will get you sorted. Please join us on LinkedIn, Instagram and FacebookWe look forward to working with you to educate.mobilize.disrupt. -Team Operation Shamrock